Care sunt cele patru funcții secrete de pe iPhone care pot salva bateria telefonului tău. Funcțiile sunt foarte utile, mai ales pentru baterie. Un cunoscut expert în tehnologie a indicat cele patru funcții secrete de pe iPhone pe care puțini utilizatori le cunosc, precum și cum se pot debloca acestea. Acestea sunt foarte utile și […]
The article highlights four little-known iPhone features that can help extend battery life.
These include:
1. Low Power Mode: This feature significantly prolongs battery life by limiting performance and certain functions.
2. Lockdown Mode: This "extreme" protection mode hardened the iPhone against cyberattacks, making it a useful option for security-sensitive users.
The article doesn't delve into detail about the other two features, but implies that they also contribute to battery saving.
The article highlights four little-known iPhone features that can help extend battery life. These include: 1. Low Power Mode: This feature significantly prolongs battery life by limiting performance and certain functions. 2. Lockdown Mode: This "extreme" protection mode hardened the iPhone against cyberattacks, making it a useful option for security-sensitive users. The article doesn't delve into detail about the other two features, but implies that they also contribute to battery saving.